3 Causes of Loose Primary Teeth

Loose teeth are par for the course at a certain point in life. Losing teeth is one of the major milestones young children experience, typically starting around age 6 or 7. For that to happen, the teeth must first loosen. This isn’t the only time primary teeth may become loose, however.


Teeth can become loose because of injury. Falls, collisions while playing contact sports, and car accidents can all cause enough trauma to the teeth to loosen them by disrupting the bone, tissue, and ligaments that hold the teeth in place. If your child has a loose primary tooth because they suffered an injury, bring them in to see Dr. Maccaro as soon as possible. Don’t wiggle the tooth or allow your child to wiggle the tooth. Dr. Maccaro can make sure the tooth is in its proper position and has the support it needs to heal after the injury.

Tooth Decay

When tooth decay becomes severe enough, it weakens the bone, tooth root, and surrounding tissue. This causes the tooth to become loose. Teeth loosening because of decay is not an overnight occurrence. It’s something that takes time. Exercising diligence in oral hygiene practices can protect primary teeth from the level of decay needed to loosen them. Regular trips to the dentist can also help.

Root Resorption

Of course, there’s also the matter of primary teeth loosening because it’s time for them to be replaced by permanent teeth. When it’s time for the permanent teeth to grow in, the primary teeth’s roots resorption process begins. As the roots reabsorb, the tooth becomes loose. It will eventually fall out on its own (or with a little help from your child). This creates the room necessary for the permanent tooth to grow in.

If you’ve noticed that your child has a loose primary tooth, it could be because it’s time for that tooth to be replaced by a permanent tooth. That isn’t always the case, though. Knowing what causes loose primary teeth can give you the tools you need to help your child’s teeth grow as healthy and strong as possible. It can also serve you well later on. Remember, permanent teeth can also loosen because of injury and decay. Encourage your children to take good care of their teeth so they don’t become loose for the wrong reasons.

Did you know that heavy teeth grinding can cause loose teeth? Click here to learn more about teeth grinding from Maccaro Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry today!


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